Author: Tony Trott
When I think of Daily Affirmation, the first thing that comes to mind is “Daily Affirmation with Stuart Smalley” one of Al Franken’s skits on Saturday Night Live in the early ‘90s. You know, the “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and, doggone it, people like me.” character. Of course, that was comedy and it was supposed to be funny and, technically, it’s important to be able to laugh at yourself, right?
However, that is not to say that all affirmations are comical and should be written off as some sort of farcical, feel-good quote about life. We all need to have things to aspire to in life, and for some people this may require some sort of daily reminder (perhaps more often than that) of what that aspiration is; this is what I think an affirmation is. It’s simply a reminder of what we are aspiring to and/or how we can get there.
While Franken’s line in the first paragraph is meant to be just some psychobabble, humorous line that we laugh at, it does make me realize that sometimes everyone needs to be kinder to themselves.