Author: Tony Trott
Because November, which is the month of Thanksgiving, is about to begin, I’ve been thinking a lot recently about gratitude and how it can lead to happiness. I am certainly no expert in positive psychology; however, I do know that they are correlated. We do aspire to the writing and teaching of Caroline Adams Miller, an expert in the area of positive psychology and author of a multitude of books on goal setting and one of our favorite books, “Getting Grit.” Whether it is a gratitude journal, reaching out to someone to say thank you, doing a good deed, or stopping negative thinking to realize what you do have, it is proven, documented, and data driven that gratitude enhances and leads to happiness.
Too many people these days are looking for the magic pill, the dream job, the ultimate vacation, the perfect partner, and anything else one may see on social media as the way to achieve happiness. While certainly all these things can contribute to happiness, they don’t always fulfill your purpose and bring you the joy you expect. In fact, you need to dig deep to realize that only you, not some external force, can find the key to happiness. Gratitude may be the way to unlock it.
I read something in Forbes magazine a few years ago by Tracy Brower, PhD, who said this might be because when we are searching for happiness, we tend to focus on things we don’t have, but when you are more grateful for the things you do have already, you tend to feel more satisfied and happier.
Regardless of the exact reasons it happens, it has been studied and proven that being thankful for things increases happiness. And November is a great time to be thankful. As we have done in the past, Happy on Wheels will be posting (on our Facebook page) something we are thankful for each day in November through Thanksgiving, and we invite you to do the same. And don’t stop being thankful at Thanksgiving, there is always something to be thankful for, and that will, in turn, increase happiness!
Thank you, Tony! As I continue to wait for the legal system to sort out the obligation of the insurance companies following a rear-end accident, and my subsequent injuries, my representatives insist that I focus on what has been taken from me and the negative impact it has had on my life. Coming up on the fifth anniversary of the accident, I know that I will have a lot of work to do in order to rediscover the depth of gratefulness that I yearn for and release me from sadness and resentfulness. Thank you for providing guidance and resources!
I’m sorry about the situation you are dealing with, but I’m glad I can help. Thanks for commenting and hope to see you before too long.