Author: Tony Trott
As I look out on the terrace and I see all flowers have died and some plants have entered winter mode, the main thing I notice is a lack of color; and it’s kind of depressing. Then I think of a poem I learned from my mother.
Now, I don’t pretend to be an Oliver Herford scholar, so I can’t really say what compelled him to write this or was it written with any deep meaning in mind. I can tell you what it means to me though: it gives me hope for the future and we just need to have a little patience to get there.
Along those lines, I was happy to see some fresh green growth out on the terrace recently. Granted, the fresh growth was weeds, but still it was fresh new growth. It may be because we had one of the wettest Decembers on record, but if it has color, I’ll take it.
I will admit that when January rolls around and it gets dark early (even though we add a couple of minutes of light each day), it becomes a little depressing and I do need to remember that we are closer to spring. It’s always nice to buy some flowers to add color and my wife likes to light candles to add a little brightness. On a sunny day, even if it is cold, the rays of sunshine come directly into my office in the morning and that feels so wonderful. It only takes a little bit of light to perk me up. Of course, I still need my morning latte and breakfast!
So don’t let the January doldrums get to you. Find something that brings you happiness and light. Whether artificial or real!
I truly loved that poem!! It’s really inspiring and just how I feel.
It’s great isn’t it?