Author: Tony Trott
No, this blog has nothing to do with the movie; I never watched it. It’s just that it seems like when one thing goes wrong that is bad enough, but for me negative things seem to snowball. Even if the negative things I mention in this blog don’t seem to be major problems or hassles to you, they are to me and I’m sure you can relate to the concept of things going wrong and snowballing.
The first thing that went wrong was that I lost my keys. There was nothing super-important on the keychain, so it was more of a hassle than a big problem, but it was the beginning of the snowball. Then due to the ever-present Friedreich’s Ataxia, I fell when transferring to my scooter. This, unfortunately, happens more frequently than I’d like and it wouldn’t even be on list of snowball items, except that this time when I fell, I hit the key and it broke off in the power switch. So, I have had to use a screwdriver (and even a butter knife, yes, I had to get creative) to get my scooter started for the last couple of months and that is not easily done. Yes, I could call a locksmith but see the next item in the list of snowballing issues: “Trying to maintain a budget.” To make matters worse, a locksmith might not even be able to fix the scooter and my brand of scooter is not made anymore, so it’s not like a replacement is easily available.
Because of the exorbitant costs related to having a disability and needing care, we have both been working hard on developing and maintaining a budget. We have done relatively well and have trimmed everything we can, even forgoing vacation for over six years, but no matter what, it is hard. Then came the move and all the costs that go with it, and, of course, the unpacking thereafter, which is still a work in progress. That will help our budget in the long run, but in the interim, it is tough.
So, it seems like everything, everywhere, all at once. However, through exercise, watching some good movies (maybe even bad ones as well), seeing Georgetown win some basketball games, seeing the Commanders make it it the playoffs (even my wife, who is a Giants fan watched a few games with me too!), and reading good books, Happy on Wheels maintains a modicum of happiness. Our latte machine certainly helps with that (even if I can’t make designs like the one pictured)! We are hoping that 2025 will bring changes that allow us to first fix the key or get another medical device and also add some fun adventures.