Author: Sheri Denkensohn-Trott
I stay away from political conversation in my blogs, especially because we are a business and I feel it is important to be open to all views. But I want to express something that I don’t think is political. I’m tired of people waiting until something terrible happens to them or someone they know until they act. That applies to so many things in our world.
Gun violence, women’s rights, immigrant rights, civil rights for those in underrepresented groups including disability, and prejudice because of a certain aspect of who you are.
I hear individuals talking all the time and taking positions on all types of issues. And that is fine. You are entitled to have your own viewpoint. But I find that people are taking positions based on two second videos on TikTok. Or a single incident that happened many years ago when they were growing up. We are all influenced by our upbringing and that is natural. But we have an obligation to learn. To understand history and all aspects of an issue. Then you can form an opinion. To promote an opinion based on one person’s view in a two second video is flat out lazy and wrong. Fine if you want read quick bits on social media for entertainment. But a one paragraph or a couple second video is not going to give you the whole story.
Even if you want to disagree with how I believe in something, tell me how you learned about it. What influenced your position? Who are the experts you are listening to? Are you considering both sides of an issue? Because sometimes there isn’t a straight answer. On many issues I have mixed views because there is no pure line in between. There are nuances that play into what is going on.
For example, I have a disability. I acquired it when I was 16. At any time, a person can become disabled. It can be temporary or permanent. Don’t wait until you have a limitation to begin to understand what others go through daily. Have you or someone you know been harassed because of their beliefs or how they live their life? Examine your viewpoint, it may stay the same or it may evolve based on the circumstances and the information you obtain.
I implore you to read, learn, look outside your own little world, and try to understand the plight of others to the best of your ability. Don’t be so quick to make a judgment. Have some empathy. Listen to points of view. And most of all, be kind. All of this will make the world a better place.
Thank you so much. Hope all is well.
Well said!