You Can’t Control the Weather
The planning started over a year ago. And, unlike a wedding or other event where there can be an alternative location, this event has to be outside. I’m referring to the annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. Over 5000 people are expected to walk to support breast cancer awareness. While the cause exists regardless of the weather, everyone planning and participating is hopeful that the day will be sunny, warm and even though nobody says it out loud, perfect.
Certainly, we all secretly know that perfect is not usually attainable. However, the last three weeks have been absolutely beautiful and there has not been much rain. In fact, hardly any rain at all. So, when the weather forecasters began predicting rain on the day of the walk, it was easy to ignore given that the day was beautiful outside. But as each day has passed this week, the forecasters have revved up predictions, started everybody spinning, and now say that a Nor’easter will be blowing through all day Sunday.
My first instinct was to be angry. How could every day be so beautiful and the one day when you want it to be perfect have a Nor’easter? Not just a drizzle but a major storm? Not fair. But then I started reflecting. Is it worth the stress? Can I control the weather? Do I know 100% that the forecasters are right?
Well, the forecasters are still saying 100% rain. So it is unlikely that we will be spared. It is also likely that the wind will be blowing like mad and the rain coming down in force. And it doesn’t help that people around me keep asking about Sunday and if the walk will still go on. With all of this noise around me it is hard not to get mad and stressed out.
But I made a decision to be there. And I’m sticking to it. I can’t control the weather. And what good is it to be angry? Yes, it is unfair, but who knew one year ago that October 29, 2017, would be a day of terrible weather. And if it is, it doesn’t negate the importance of the cause and the awareness that we have created over the past year. It does not take away the money that has been raised and the importance of continuing our fight against breast cancer after October and each month and year afterwards.
I may be alone with my windbreaker and hat on October 29. And to confess, I’m sure there will be a bit of anger in my heart about the weather. I can certainly dream of a beautiful day with sunshine and unlimited numbers of people eagerly awaiting the start of the walk. But I will be content with whatever occurs. I will do my best. Because that is what fighters do. Those that fight breast cancer have bad days and good days. And they can’t give up on the bad days. Some of their days are like a Nor’easter where the pain and the treatment are unbearable. And other days are better, with rays of sunshine and beauty and happiness. Living with breast cancer is not a controllable event. It doesn’t come and go and change by the hour.
So whatever the weather, I will smile and be thankful. I am a 7- year breast cancer survivor. I am tough and I am a fighter. And I am not going to worry about the weather. In the end, it is my health that matters.
I love this! As a matter of fact, I’m going to share it with the more than 1000 people on the Thelma D. Jones Breast Cancer Support Group List :-)!