Author: Sheri Denkensohn-Trott
I would bet that almost everyone reading this has experienced waiting on hold on the telephone for at least 30 minutes to an hour and finally getting to someone who transfers you to someone who transfers you to another person and then you finally get your answer (maybe). Often, it can be hours later and if you are anything like me, you want to scream and yell and say, “I want my phone crown!” Another common scenario is doing the same thing but getting disconnected and having to start all over again and you want to scream words that are not fit to print. I often scream out loud while I’m listening to awful music, “Would you just give me a live person!”
A couple of weeks ago I had an entire list of tasks that required phone calls. Some were for me and some for my husband who has trouble hearing because of his disability. But the majority of the issues he had to deal with pertain to both of us. For instance, banking.
I decided a couple of weeks ago that I would calculate my “phone time.” Well, let’s just say that my total added up to approximately one full day. And I don’t mean 12 hours, 24 hours! You are probably asking yourself, “How can that be?” I’m not exaggerating. Truth.
First, medical issues. Anything regarding equipment, doctor coordination, supplies, medication, and the list can go on, usually requires an inordinate amount of time even if it’s a company I’ve dealt with. Most everything I have is automatic, but when there is a glitch and you need a person and you can’t fix it on the website, good luck. I block out time on my calendar because I need to be ready. For instance, I’m switching from one online medication provider to another and it took two days. One day of 7 hours and a second day of 5 hours. I was beyond blitzed. Everyone was very nice and trying to get me to where I needed to be and it is now solved, but I have better things to do with my time that are just as important! And for me time is money, rest, and the long list of other things I need to accomplish.
Let’s add financial institutions when you have a closed credit card, but the bank tells you “The account is closed but the credit card is not closed. So, you must call!” We recently switched banks (long overdue). If you do that, get ready to block out lots of time. For some changes it is simple. Others should be simple but are a nightmare. Add online streaming service providers that don’t have the answer to your question or a place to find what you need on their website and the chat gets you nowhere. Also include phone companies, and other providers related to Happy on Wheels, LLC.
I’ve tried many strategies to make this better. I multitask while I’m on hold, I try to keep my cool talking to the person that is trying to help me even though I am explaining the situation for the third time, and I try not to schedule a voluminous number of phone calls in one week. But sometimes that is unavoidable. So, I brace myself, block off my calendar, and say to myself, “Ready, set, go!” I give up after a certain amount of time when I feel my frustration level going through the roof and decide it will be done another day. Additionally, once a tough one is finally resolved I treat myself. Going outside or screaming to the world (inside my home office), “I did it!” The best medicine is taking a deep breath and doing meditation to calm myself down. And having the reward of crossing it off the list.
Yes, this is one of the joys of adulthood. And sometimes adulting is hard. But no matter how broad the online world gets, there will always be a need to talk to a LIVE person. So, put it on your calendar and brace yourself for a rocky ride.