Author: Sheri Denkensohn-Trott
I decided that I was going to take the last two weeks of the year and give my brain a break. Apart from some family gatherings, I was yearning for a mental vacation. Just doing nothing besides reading, exercise, watching TV, resting, and visiting with friends. Completely staying away from anything that took much mental energy and required thinking.
The whole concept felt rather superficial. I’m a thinker, list maker, taskmaster, and not very easy on myself. One would say that I judge myself harshly and this lack of activity and accomplishment would put me in the category of considering myself to be “lazy.” However, if I was going to try this out, the last two weeks of the year were the best time to do it. This is usually a time when folks are on vacation, visiting with family, and not super engaged in work.
I’m proud to say that I did it. I didn’t slip up and make a list. I slept a little later each day, read almost 7 books (I’m finishing right now), watched some interesting and mindless TV, exercised almost daily, and had some nice visits with friends and family. Overall, I enjoyed it. Yes, I needed to keep the word lazy out of my vocabulary, but it was a good and productive way to devote myself to my mental health. And it was stressless! That was the best part.
I do weekly meditation and my class went on a retreat. Unfortunately, it wasn’t accessible, but it is on my bucket list. My brain vacation was the next best thing, and I’m glad I did it. I wonder if it will feel strange to write my first to do list of 2024, but I doubt I will have trouble getting back into my routine and patterns. You never know, maybe my brain will not want leave vacation.
I highly recommend giving yourself a complete mental break. It’s like a long soak in the bathtub with bubbles everywhere. The world is challenging. Life can be tough. But when you force your brain to go on vacation, it is all sunshine and unicorns. Try it!
So true! Glad you made time to recharge!